Visuals to support Ukrainian Children in English Speaking Schools

Regular price £0.00
After hearing that children from Ukraine are arriving in UK schools, and that, not surprisingly, they speak and understand very little English, we have created a set of a few visuals to help offer support at what must be a very scary time for them.
Available to instantly download, you can print and cut these into individual visuals, then use them to:
- Help show someone what is happening in their day, thus helping to eliminate the anxiety of not knowing what is coming next or when they get to go home to their family.
- Allow the children to communicate with you, showing you want it is they need or how they are feeling.
- Help them learn a little English by showing them both the word in Ukrainian and English, supported by a picture.
Since people from Ukraine speak either Ukrainian or Russian, you will find both translations available - select whichever you need from the dropdown menu on the right.
This is available as a free download. It isn't a chance for us to try to capture your data - you can choose not to subscribe at checkout. It's just a way of trying to help these children feel a little more comfortable by helping them communicate.
It’s not a comprehensive set - it’s a start. If you desperately need something else let me know and I’ll try to get it translated.
A massive shout out to all school staff supporting children through this.