Early Years Choosing Board

Product image 1Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 2Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 3Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 4Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 5Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 6Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 7Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 8Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 9Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 10Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 11Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 12Early Years Choosing Board
Product image 13Early Years Choosing Board

Regular price £12.00

Our new Early Years Choosing Board is a great way to communicate to the children in your setting what is available for them to play with each day. This allows children to see the range of activities, and to communicate to you what their choice is if they are unable or unwilling to use words.

A board like this is particularly handy if you don’t want to have all of the resources out, but would rather encourage independence by letting a child select their activity, and then support them in getting the bits and pieces out themselves.

Showing a child their choices visually helps support those that struggle to process or remember the activities that are available. Giving them the opportunity to pick their own activity helps them to feel more in control and less anxious.

This set comes with 19 visuals: 

arts and crafts - role-play - messy play - play a game (as in a board game) - train set - painting - dolls' house - instruments - play outside - water play - construction - colouring - sand - listen to music - book corner - baking - play dough - computer - puzzle. 

This comes in both A4 and A3 and, although we’ve shown this with a blue and purple board, you are very welcome to choose a different colour - we also have red and green.

The visuals on the A4 board are our small size - 5.5 x 4.5cm, and the visuals on the A3 board are our standard size - 6 x 5.5cm. 

As with all of our resources at Create Visual Aids, you can always order extra visuals to add to the board if you need something else.

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